• Member Since 7th Feb, 2022


Man, I wish Bios where longer, guess that means I have to shorten it. But I'm lazy about it so I'll do it later.(probably never) If I see an opportunity to meme I'm going to meme.

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So, I died. That happened. Struck on the head by Zeus. or Thor. And then I was pulled in here by the Loki ripoff. Into the magical pony-person land AKA the Furry-verse. Did I mention I'm a Charizard? Yeah. I'm a Charizard. Congratulations! Your high-functioning, violent sociopath has evolved into a murderous, fire-breathing dragon!

A wild sextet (get your head out of the gutter) of peaceful pony-people appear! What will you do? -Fight -Talk -Eat -Run


Warning: contains mild language, crude humor, excessive violence, and WAY too many Jerry Seinfeld ripoffs. You have been warned.

Chapters (12)

The perfect gift for Thomas became the one thing that thrust us in this new world, I lost everything from my parents to my very life. I'm Anne, and this is my story on how I survived the game of a crazy creature and how me, Thomas and our friends saved the world.

Edit:Gore is not very heavy I will avoid gruesome details but violence and some blood will show up in the story.

My second story on this site. Crossover with Pokèmon enjoy! This is not a normal displace story, there won't be any other displaced in this sorry to disappoint whoever wanted that to happen.

Chapters (23)

In a different Equestria than the one we know, a virus broke out thirty years ago, causing mutations in ponies in every way imaginable. Some wished to hide their new powers and forms, while others made quick work abusing them, turning into Equestria's first super villains. The Princesses put out an edict stating that those who wish to fight against these Power Ponies who would do evil would be heavily compensated for their work. It's not until many years later that the first true hero would step up on the city stage, sparking a revolution in Manehattan.

This story was inspired by all the Super Heroes and Super Power shows I grew up with, but after some time creating the world and shaping the characters in it, it became so much more. Twists and turns, changes and escalations await inside the world of Sometimes they call me Super. Our heroes all start out alone and come together to form something that no hero alone could do. Follow the excitement through the eyes of our protagonist and more as they try to defend the city they call home. Welcome to Manehattan.

It's dangerous to go alone, take this!
The comments contain spoilers

Chapters (94)

Morality. It's something that everyone knows, yet is subjective to each being. So, when ones way of life is threatened, their morality is put into question and they need to defend themselves, most would go to extreme methods. But what if the weapon that they make gets their own sense of morality? Forged through fire and blood, was a warrior, made to be the perfect fighter. However, he was left incomplete. He wanders, trying to find something that could make him whole.

Note: Sex is implied, though not detailed. Death and minor gore is prevalent from chapter to chapter, though nothing graphic.

Cover by Tyotheartist1 on twitter and instagram

First two chapters have been rewritten as of January 2023

Chapters (30)

When a pair of Federation mobile suits appear in Equestria by accident - all their pilots can hope to do is figure out a way to regroup with any and all allied forces in this completely alien land. What they didn't expect - or at least they were hoping to avoid - was the attention from the ponies, dragons, and other wide varieties of creatures all around them.

It's more of a hassle than they'd like to admit.

Edit: Somehow made it on Featured. H O W

Chapters (8)

Greetings weary traveler/bored reader. Let me regale you with my tale. The tale of a mere mortal, with nothing particularly special to his name, brought to a magical land of dragons, minotaurs, griffins, and of course ponies. But he came as no mere human. He came as the epic warrior, the manliest of swordsmen, that most dashing of multiverse travelers, the mighty Gilgamesh! What adventures will this powerful and magnificent warrior find in his travels? HELL IF I KNOW! LET'S STRAP IN AND SEE WHERE THIS GOES!

Looking for cover art if anyone's interested.

Crossovers with:
The life and times of Xante, Baron of the Frozen Wastelands, First among Liches, Lord of the Dead, and Fabulous Rainbow Magic User

Golden Graces, Headless Headaches

I Will Hunt You Down

A Thousand Tortured Souls Scream My Name

Gravity of the Situation

Land of Friendship and Magic

And Then There Were 10… Er… 67

Son of Invention

Ten Against One

Time Ticks On

Let's Just Say That Umbra Really Needs to Put a Lock On His Diary



Chapters (23)

I used to be a regular person with regular problems. I was enjoying my time at Comicon until I bought that stupid book. Next thing I know, I'm in Equestria and I've got all of Sasuke Uchiha's powers and abilities. Trying not to get trapped in stone, I befriended the pony inhabitants and tried to help them out. That was a mistake. I accidentally destroyed some stuff and ended up stoned anyway. I won't be here much longer. And I won't make the same mistake twice.

Inspired by LoHAV and Displaced stories. This is my first story so criticism is welcome.

Chapters (31)

Equestria is at war , at a full standstill with the Changelings on land but lacking on the oceanfront. Their navy isn't holding up to the Changelings. A mysterious force is at play, helping them whenever they are in trouble. But no contact has been made with them. The two ships would only appear for a few minutes and finish the fight before disappearing.

Who are the mysterious ships, and where did they come from?

Chapters (1)

[Displaced Story]

[I own only the plotline of this story]

My name is Roronoa Zoro, but most know me as the Green Demon. Fifteen hundred years ago I was the most wanted creature on Equus. Armies attempted to stop me, only for me to crush them. At one point, they got in a lucky shot and turned me into another trophy from an era best left forgotten.


I am a type of ally, helping to stop or hinder the coming storm that will shake this very world to its foundations. And they can't find anyone better, much to their dismay.

I have Haki. I have companions. And I've got common sense. Get ready for this demon’s return.

Crossovers (in order) with:

The Mighty Warrior of Epicness/
For Glory! For Equus! For Epicness!

The Price of Power

I’ll Get the Job Done

A Passing Through Kamen Rider

Chapters (15)

[Displaced] When our hero went to a costume party, he never expected to end up in pretty pink pony land as Fairy Tail's most badass fire dragon. After an interesting turn of events, he is now the Red Diamond, the King of the Crystal Empire!

Be ready for humor, fights, and maybe avoiding responsibilities.

[All Fairy Tail characters used are not mine, only the creator's. Please don't hate me...]

Chapters (4)